Won't be back, and hopefully find an ADA disability attorney that will take my case. Thanks MGM for ruining a good show for me. Then during the show I look to see who they gave my seat to, not in a wheelchair, not even using a walker or a cane. I would have had a perfect view from my original aisle seat I paid for. So now I had to sit the entire show while the rows in front of me stood and I couldn't see. Well at that moment I didn't realize what was going on or I would have been pissed off. So she gives me a $20 food voucher, for another visit, and tells me it's for being nice since most people would be upset. Explain how someone in a wheelchair was going to use my seat, most people in wheelchairs cannot transfer out to another seat, let alone one that is basically nothing more than a folding chair attached to a row of folding chairs.
Was told my seat was for wheelchair only.
She comes over and moves me from an aisle seat to a seat all the way on the other end by the wall. The usher went to seat us, then said he had to talk to his supervisor. I have to use a walker due to Lymphedema and chronic Cellulitis. I paid good money to go to a concert, Sebastian Bach, recently, and bought a handicap accessible seat and a companion seat for me friend. Looking for an attorney that handles ADA compliant cases.